Should you keep your arms straight in the golf swing? There is a lot said about keeping your left arm straight in golf and it being the cure all for many mis hits. In fact because golf is a two armed game this really means the role the arms play during a good swing...
Know When To Lay-Up In this video TG Elite Teaching Professional Adrian Fryer is 200-yards from the green on the stunning 18th at The Belfry’s Brabazon course. In this strategy special, he explains why sometimes it is better to play safe and lay-up of tricky...
Avoid Sucker Pins To Save Yourself Shots In this video TG Elite Teaching Professional Adrian Fryer is faced with a risk-reward approach from 150 yards. He has to decide whether to go for the fat of the green, or to take on the flag which is protected by a deep front...
Play Safe From Trouble To Save Shots In this video TG Elite Teaching Professional Adrian Fryer has found himself in the trees on a par 4. He can still see the pin, but it’s a very tough shot, so he has to choose whether to go for the flag with a 4-iron and risk...
Keep Moving During Your Pre-Shot Routine Amateurs often struggle when their mind becomes cluttered with too many swing thoughts standing over the ball. The only way you can hit successful shots is when your mind is free of technique and focused on the target, as TG...